Friday, December 12, 2008
Check out this Give-A-Way!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Minor Happenings and Random Ramblings
Monday, December 1, 2008
Ike the Football Playing Preacher
Thursday, November 27, 2008
A Thanksgiving Note From Bailey Rose
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thankful Thoughts
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Fer Real, I'm So Sure....
So Friday night was Bunco night. Guess what the theme was? The more I started remembering about the 80's the more nauseous I got. Lemme tell ya- that is some BIG hair. Yes, the eyeshadow is blue and the dress and belt is vintage 80's from the local Goodwill. I think I scared the kids... (I am keeping the belt). Can anyone say seventh grade? Fer real, don't be a dweeb, I mean, as if......
I Don't Think She Has a Future at Hallmark...
This is a bit blurry but I HAD to share it with you. When Michael came home from Kansas with the stomach flu we kept Bailey Rose away from his "sick bed" so as to protect her from the "puke germs" (didn't work by the way...). Nonetheless, she was genuinely concerned about her Daddy's welfare. She broke out the scrapbook supplies and created a handmade card just for her Guy. He did recover and is feeling fine... just in time, too. Tuesday night Bailey Rose and I got a round of the stuff and spent most of the long weekend recouping. EVERYONE is better now! Thanks so much for all of those who offered up prayers!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Girl's Night Out Part Two!
The next morning, the boys were due home. Bailey Rose and I were headed off to church and to teach Sunday School and we got a call from Michael. "Guess who is sick now?" Michael said. Poor thing. He traveled home (a 5 hour trip that ended up taking 7 hours) with various "necessary stops" regarding his sickness. He made it home and went straight to bed. We were glad to have our boys home, sick or otherwise. Another adventure on the Penderosa!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Girl's Night Out!
Sidenote: Bailey Rose is HOOKED on the "Monk" series! Grandma Sheila got her the second season for her birthday this year. She actually wanted to dress up as Monk for Halloween but I wasn't sure quite how to pull that off. Thank you Tony Shalub...
I subbed today and then we came home together. By 5:30 we were out again and went for dinner at a wonderful Korean restaurant, Kopan. Yummo! Our super dinner was followed by the new "Madagascar" movie. Pretty cute flick. The penguins are still the funniest characters. Now we are cuddled in bed getting ready for another big day.
Sidenote #2: Got a message from Michael after the movie tonight that our Little Man, Ike, was feeling yucky. A sour tummy (complete with a "dinner review") but no temp. Prayerfully, he is on the mend. Poor little guy. However, I am not worried. Daddy and Uncie Macky are on the job.
More updates tomorrow! Off to snuggle my girl and watch "Hannah Montana"!
I Wanna Be Like Her....
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
We're Back!
BTW, I don't have any pictures to post! We were having such a good time we didn't even think to take pics! HA! Next time maybe....
Monday, October 20, 2008
And the Award goes to.....
Baby Brother
>When my babies are sick, I don't have to choose where I will be! My priority lies with them at that moment and I can give myself fully to them without guilt or financial strain! Thank you Father! And thank you Michael!
>We haven't had to go to the dr in MONTHS!!! I mean MONTHS!!!! Can I get an Amen? My children, namely BaileyRose, have been challenged with health issues in the past but gosh! Talk about healing! A snot nose is almost welcome!
>We have put back monies to pay for dr bills and medical supplies. It is always fun to keep that money back but this is where it is meant to be used.
>I have a warm house to keep my children in and help them get better.
Okay, I will stop here but please know that the blessings certainly do not. God is so amazing to watch and behold. Each day I ask to have His blessings on my life revealed so that I can Know Him more. Let me tell you, He Always delivers. Have a day full of awareness that your Heavenly Father is blessing you in big ways and small.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
She got me too!
- My all time favorite food is baked corn tortillas (til they are nice and crispy). Not tortilla chips, just the little round tortillas (MiCasa brand are my favorite).
- I am a house cleaning zealot (I Swiffer AT LEAST once a day) but my Chrysler Town and Country is ummmmm, well not exactly tidy.
- I often have dreams concerning the construction of bows and good deals on ribbon. In my dreams I usually get these deals at a mind-blowing garage sale.
- I have a STRONG aversion to my husband's NASTY toenails. Really, these are BAD and had I closely inspected them BEFORE the marriage, they could have been a deal breaker.
- I have known said husband since I was 6 months old.
- I am 35 years old and I have never smoked a cigarette. Ever. Yuck.
- I refuse to kill spiders (in or out of the house) and will very often scoop them up with a cup and transport them to a more appropriate home.
See Renee'? I am really pretty normal! Are you disappointed? I know on the surface I SEEM strange but after reading my sister's list I am thinking I am actually the most normal one in the family. Hmmm, that almost makes me sad! HA! I love you crazy VanDruffs! God bless you and Good night!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Today I am Thankful for...
- My Momma coming to visit and being crazy and silly with my kiddos
- Enough money to purchase a super cool Bible for my Hubby
- A super cool Hubby that wanted a new Bible
- Crisp fall evenings
- a yummy dinner waiting for our family in the crock pot!!! Love me some crock pot!
That's my list for today.....
Today my Momma is coming to visit. Tomorrow is Grandparents day. If you know my Momma, then you know she doesn't really fit the "Grandparent" mold so it strikes me funny that she will be an Honoree at this event. Monday and Tuesday I subbed at the kid's school. Crazy! (Pray for 1st grade teachers) Yesterday I did not get a call and got to stay home and CLEAN!!!!! Yea!!!! I know, even I was amazed at how excited I was. When I mentioned my "homebound" situation to BaileyRose, she commented on GrandTone's visit. "Now you can clean for when GrandTone comes to visit." Nah, not really. GrandTone brings her own mess with her. But I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed cleaning my home yesterday. God showed me what a joy being "just" a homemaker and SAHM truly is. And what an honor it is! Imagine that! Go figure! Shout out to the Big Man! I also switched out seasonal clothes for both children (Big Job!). So, GrandTone will be here today and we are very ready and very excited. She is bringing baby kitties. How fun is that? Okay, here is some more for ya Kat. My grocery list: Ovaltine, a new pillow, picture hangers, Cow Milk and Soy milk, tortillas, peanut butter, light bulbs, spray butter. I have Bible study in about 13 minutes so I better go smooth my curls. One more thang, go- today- and purchase the book, "The Shack". It will Change Your Life. I just finished it Tuesday. Amazing. Never have I heard the trinity explained so well. God loves us so much and He wants us to understand, as much as our human minds will allow, just How much He loves us. This Will redefine how you talk with Him. Really, go get it. Now. Stop reading. Get in the car...... Why are you still reading? GO! Carmel Corn......
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Today I am Thankful for...
- My sweet husband who is back home from the hurricanes! For good! Yippee!
- Cinnamon Altoids dipped in Dark Chocolate
- Two working vehicles
- A sense of self worth from Great Parents, an amazing husband and a beautiful Heavenly Father-BTW, I am reading "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldridge if you can't tell! Every woman should read this book!
- a HUGE garage sale in a neighboring subdivision that starts tomorrow at SEVEN AM!!!
That is my list for today.....
Go Get 'Em Boys!
Michael and I helped the coach keep everyone on the field.
So tonight Ike had his last practice before his first big game on Saturday! Now, I wasn't raised in a football family- my dad was a band director and our family was not especially fond of marching season. But may I tell you that Flag Football for 4 and 5 year olds is one of the cutest things I have had the pleasure of witnessing! These little guys are gung ho and playing ball! My little guy is, obviously, the cutest one on the team but don't take my word for it.... see for yourself.
(Down, Set, Hut!)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Today I am Thankful for...
- a warm, dry house
- fun and creative hobbies
- children who ask to pray for their Daddy
- 75% Fat free sharp chedder cheese by Cabot Cheese! Yum!!!!
- a loving Saviour who makes Himself known to me even when I am cleaning house
- snaggle toothed grins!
That is my list for today.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
New Haircut and New Smile!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Today I am Thankful...
- A wonderful spiritual family made up of wild and crazy Christian women in my Bible study
- My Little Sister and her humor that keeps me laughing
- Blackberries... can you believe it? It keeps me in touch with my long, lost husband!
- Candy Corn and popcorn- TOGETHER!!!!! What? It's only 4 pts!
- Children that pray
That's my list today....
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Today I am Thankful...
- My kids happily playing together
- My Husband had a day of safe travel
- I have a warm, dry house with electricity
- I have TWO good books to read tonight!
- I live in a free country where I can freely attend worship at the house of the Lord Jesus without suffering persecution (We are going to church tonight!)
- My Super Cool Sister that takes wonderful care of my (sometimes) weary spirit
- My Earthly Father and my Heavenly Father
- My crazy momma who taught me to be Brave
That is my list today.....
My Husband... the Shopper and Fashionista
Another One Bites the Dust!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My Projects
So tomorrow will be one day closer to Michael being home. We will probably strangle one another when we have to learn to live together again! HA! It's a risk I am willing to take. Good Night.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
We Love ya Daddy!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
CHEESE!!! Swiss cheese, that is....
My Girl FINALLY lost her first tooth! Right before church tonight we wiggled Bailey's LONG loose tooth. It was sooo ready. But she had to be the one to pull it. No One Else! And truth be told, she didn't really pull it but kind of "bent" it out. First to the front and then the other way. She got that sucker out as little brother Isaac and I watched on, holding our breath and holding hands. When it came out we all started to scream and jump up and down in the bathroom! "It didn't even hurt! It didn't even hurt!" Isaac kept telling her he was so proud and she was so brave. NOT! That girl squalled and balled like a baby! But the tooth is out and at this very moment is under her pillow with a note to the Tooth Fairy. Whew! FINALLY!
Monday, September 8, 2008
I'm Here to Help
I volunteer as a teacher's helper in BaileyRose's class. My day to work is Monday morning from 8 to 9. So, after I deposited the kids to their room, I went off to check the volunteer box in the workroom. Even at 8:03 I was too late! There, poised at both copiers and at the work table were Mommies in full blown "volunteerism" (is that a word?). I smiled at everyone and made my way to Mrs Robbins red tote box. My instructions said to make "25 copies of each". The box was full. I was not About to ask if any one of the Mommies was finished at Their Copier. This is a major faux pax amoung the volunteers. Step away from the copier!
I casually talked to the Mommy at the worktable while she cut out laminated pumpkins. I chatted with the secretary as she breezed back and forth between the front office and the teacher's lounge. I carefully watched the copier status.
Finally! The risograph was open. I stood up from my stool and discretly shuffled to the machine. You see, apparently, once you use a copier- it's yours for as long as you have copies to make. This Nikon was MINE!
I finished up my copies- I even made a couple of transparencies- and left just as the 9 am shift was making their way into the workroom. As I stacked up the last of my paperwork, a new face smiled at me as she clutched her teacher's blue tote box. Smoothly and gratefully, she took over my spot in front of the humming machine. We exchanged a knowing look.
Next Monday, the kids will sleep in their clothes and are going to eat breakfast at school. I WILL be the first one in the workroom. "25 copies of each"? No Problem!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Random Happenings on Elk Bear
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My New Brother Might be Named Noah...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
WOW! Bailey Rose is Eight!
I already KNOW how to do that!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Hurricane Gustav Hits Home
Now, anytime they hear anything on the news about the storm they ask about Michael. Where is he? (Sleeping in a warehouse) Am I sure he is safe? (No, that is what I am Praying for) When will he be home? (We have no idea) Have I talked to him lately? (Yes, thank you Lord for cell phones!) I try to keep the TV away from the weather channel. The warehouse still has phone service- for that I am thankful. And, just like the real storm, the floods have dissipated here at home. It wasn't quite as bad as we thought. But, now we are in for the long haul. The threat has passed but now we wait and assess the damage.
I must say, I am so glad that we miss Michael. The house seems almost "broken" without him. He is such a great husband and daddy. Just the other day, I was asking God to make me aware of every blessing He has placed in my path and in the world around me. My mother always says that, in tough times there is something to be learned. The lesson for me is that we are a blessed family. Blessed with one another.
So now I have learned the lesson and seen the blessing..... Now Gustav, send my sweetie home!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Whadaya Do? Huh?
Flashforward to the next day. I picked the kids up from school and noticed a sticker on Isaac's shirt. "Cool sticker Ike", I said. "Yeah, I used to have three", he said. Um, What? Seems that as you enter gym class, you receive three stickers. If you are wonderful you get to keep all three stickers. If you slap a little boy named Logan on the arm and then talk sassy to the coach afterwards, you lose two stickers. Hence, the singular sticker on my lovely boy.
We went home to do some biblio-therapy in the form of "I'm sorry" letters to the coach and to Logan. Lemme tell ya, that is some doin for a kindergarten boy to write two full length letters. After it was all said and done (insert a talking-to from Daddy somewhere in all of this) he looks at me and says, "Writing is fun! I like writing letters!" Great! Whadaya Do?
Today is Monday. Today we prayed for and received, a better day. Hallelujah!
Stopping for a quick breath....
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Today Was the Day...
I was fine until we got outside and somebody actually asked me how I was. My quivering voice and tears surprised me. Michael laughed and hugged me as we walked. He said, "You did good sweetie". People told me taking both kids the first day of school would be hard but I thought they were talking about the kids!
They had a super time and are both ready to go right back tomorrow. I have to say that I missed them. I also got some good shopping done and had lunch at a place that does NOT serve chicken nuggets. I think I will be fine.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Whatever will I DO?!
Well, in 8 years. So that is my super, life-changing plan. Actually, I do plan to sub a little at Northside (Bailey and Isaac's school) and amp up my bow business and be more involved at the church. So see I really DO have a plan but the Terminal Leave thing does sound tempting......