My Girl FINALLY lost her first tooth! Right before church tonight we wiggled Bailey's LONG loose tooth. It was sooo ready. But she had to be the one to pull it. No One Else! And truth be told, she didn't really pull it but kind of "bent" it out. First to the front and then the other way. She got that sucker out as little brother Isaac and I watched on, holding our breath and holding hands. When it came out we all started to scream and jump up and down in the bathroom! "It didn't even hurt! It didn't even hurt!" Isaac kept telling her he was so proud and she was so brave. NOT! That girl squalled and balled like a baby! But the tooth is out and at this very moment is under her pillow with a note to the Tooth Fairy. Whew! FINALLY!
Great job, Bailey!! Anna has lost 2teeth already and her first one, she let Jake pull!! Can you believe that? I have video to prove it. The other one fell out when she bit into something at the Mall Deli! :) Hope the tooth fairy brought you some big bucks!! Deb
Yeah, Bailey Rose!!! You look more grown up already!!
Weeeeellll, it's About TIME, BRPy! You look really funny! Do NOT smile anymore. Stop it!!! NO smiling! Quit laughing at me! Close your mouth and hide your huge gaps! And DON't stick yer tongue in the hole, so that your new tooth will grow back gold.
MORE pictures, Em.
Actually I HAVE seen a couple more kids who were a bit cuter...But not Much Cuter....
xoxoxo GrandTone
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