Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween!

October 31st is known by many to be Halloween but if you are a Girl Scout you know that it is also Juliette Gordon Low's birthday (The founder of Girl Scouting and Girl Guiding!). Our service unit had a birthday party in honor of Juliette. It was big fun! I made the cake for the event; one table cake and two sheet cakes (there were 90 people!!). This is a close up of Miss Juliette atop her birthday cake. The two tiers of the cake have different badges taken from the Brownie and junior and Cadette badge books.

The whole crew on a halloween adventure! Isaac, Jordan, Morgan, Bailey Rose, Kloe, Niki (in front of Kloe), Lesley. Some friends that live out in the "country" came to trick or treat in our neighborhood. What a bunch of goblins!

Mrs. Lisa (Morgan's Step momma) brought an edible craft for the kids to do. The idea was to construct the treats and then go trick or treating and come back and eat the treats.... yea, didn't quite last that long!

Again, my pics are out of order... who knows? This is a tattoo that BaileyRose got at the Girl Scout party.

Even little brother got in on the action....

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