Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Easter egg hunt (And more cakes!)

Boy baby shower... copied from the invitations.

My handsome man at his school Easter egg hunt.

"Look Mom! It's a cool dinasour one!"

For a going away/birthday party... buttercream finish with gumpaste flowers and bow.

More Catch up (Not the kind you eat with fries!)

Ok, this one is out of order.... BaileyRose's class attended the Arkansas Travelers baseball game and I got to go along! I thought I would sit with the rest of the chaperones but she actually asked me to sit with her! What a treat! We had a big day! That girl gets more and more fun!

This is a Tinkerbell themed cake for a little gal up in the northern part of Arkansas. All edible except for the topper.... given to me by the client (It's a top to a bubble bath!)

All buttercream... this is a 2 layer 10in cake.

Designed by the birthday girl herself... this was for a 16 year old (groovy) girl! The bottom is actually purple but it came out blue on the picture.

Little man trying to fill a big man's shoes..... ready for a flag football game! This little dude is FAST and bad! He is always good for at least 2 toughdowns a game..... ok, I am a little bit of a proud momma.

For a boy baby shower... these are my first cowboy boots (Fat Babies is the style of boots I'm told).

At the Arkansas Travelers game! Go boys go!

Isaac's birthday cake.... this was fitted together like a puzzle! Fun but quite time consuming!

My Brownie... but not for much longer! We have our bridging ceremony at the end of May!

Monday, May 17, 2010

What? A Post? Could it BE!!!?

We are ALL busy so I can't really use THAT reason for my lacking posts.... But here is a new post (finally!) that will mostly be pictures-

Ike's 7th birthday was April 29th..... not sure HOW my baby turned seven but it came and went in a blur. His legs have outgrown his old bike and it was time for a new one. Mike had the final word on this... he said the pegs on either side of the wheels were a MUST for "trick riding" (aka: things that make a momma very nervous).
THIS is what has been keeping me so busy! Happy but busy! This cake (buttercream finish and fondant and gumpaste accents over Butter Pecan cake) was for a "Blast Off" party held right before Space Camp.

Baby shower cake.... at the client's request I added a sleeping baby as a topper. Kinda made me pause... an edible baby seems strange.

This was made for the kid's school secretary who is leaving to pursue a career in the medical field. They were having a going away party and asked me for a cake.

Field day at Northside! I didn't get any of Isaac's field day.... dead batteries! But here is BaileyRose in all her glory!

"Balloon Volleyball".... was this in the summer games? I can't remember....

25 yard dash... she came in second. Legs, legs and more legs!

Baby shower cake for a boy.... this traveled to Russelville (about 1 and 1/2 away) so this dude was built to last! All kinds of unseen support! It arrived safely after being picked up by the client and was somewhat "tested" by a curious 5 year old.

This one is for an 11 year old boy's birthday. I had an up-close model for this one.... an XBox controller. The console is next......

The console... triple chocolate sour cream cake with buttercream covered in fondant....
There are also some cupcakes that went with this order but for some reason they didn't upload... I'll try again later.

Our bowling beauty....end of the season for BaileyRose's league. This was an award for "All Star Attitude". She had a great time bowling and learned a lot! We will be ready for more in the fall!

Baby shower for a late in life baby girl- Elizabeth Joy. I did a personal table cake and then double colored cupcakes. The inspiration came from the baby bedding.