Monday, November 14, 2011
How Crazy is THAT?
These are the things they don't prepare you for in prenatal class...... how to carry out these conversations is NOWHERE in the "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book. So I did what I usually do...... I plunged ahead into a full blown teachable moment. Forever a teacher I guess.
I explained as best I could, in terms that an 11 year old could grasp, exactly WHAT abortion was. As I got deeper into my explanation, the words that were coming out of my mouth seemed more and more ridiculous. I was saying things like, "Abortion is a surgery that some women CHOOSE to have so that they will no longer be pregnant" and "Yes, they have to pay for the abortion" and "Yes, even though doctors are supposed to HELP people, they still do this surgery"....... "No, the babies don't live after the abortion but they were alive before"....... "Yes, sweetie, their little hearts WERE beating before the surgery".
At one point BaileyRose asked me WHY the pregnant women don't just HAVE their babies and give them to people like our friends Missy and Kyle or Amber and Dave (Who have trouble conceiving). I told her I wasn't sure. I begin to explain that many women simply didn't want the inconvenience of giving birth...... or they were embarrassed....... or they had been raped....... or they were scared. Again, my own words sounded flat out crazy.
BaileyRose quietly took all this information into her precious little 11 year old heart.
I have always said that she was born with her hip out...... just far enough out to perch a baby. She LOVES everything about children...... she helps teach a toddler class at church and she does it all...... from snotty noses to dirty diapers. If you are ever searching for her in a crowd, find the little children and BaileyRose won't be far away.
After she pondered all the subject matter we had discussed, she looked over at me in disbelief and said, "Momma...... they are KILLING those babies."
Funny how an 11 year old can figure that out.........
I simply replied, "Yes, baby, they are......"
Like I said before...........CRAZY.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Kids Are a Hassle.....
Me: "Have you read this book by Janet Evanovich?"
Interesting Teacher Lady: "I don't read...."
Me: "You don't read? Oh..... ok?"
Interesting Lady (with a little attitude): "Yeah, I have four kids! You wouldn't understand..... you only have two kids...... four is way different. And the older they get, the more time they take."
Me (trying to keep it light hearted): "Oh, well I didn't know this was a Mom contest! I love to read..... I will leave a dirty kitchen sink and clothes to fold for a good book....."
Not so Interesting Teacher Lady: "You know where I am going after this??? To VOLLEYBALL practice! Yeah, til EIGHT tonight....!!!!"
Me (turning to another teacher at the lunch table): "Have you read this one by Janet Evanovich?"
Now...... here is the deal. Kids are a BIG hassle. My momma has said this for a long time......They smell funny, they produce lots of laundry and require lots of food, they whine, they argue and they are ALWAYS doing SOME type of fundraiser. It is soooo much easier to go to Wal Mart WITHOUT a two year old..... A. LOT.
I know kids are a blessing and a heritage from the Lord and all that..... but, truth be told, they take a lotta work. And when we signed on for this rollercoaster, we kinda knew that. We didn't know to what extent (cause no one can really tell you, ya just gotta live that part). But we knew that our lives would be different.
So, I am wondering if this lady with four kids was somehow surprised with how different her life had become? And does she have a life outside of her kids? Does she have an identity?
Kids are a hassle. But the reward FAR out weighs the hassle.
Kids are funny and snuggly and they smell good after they get out of the bath. Kids turn to smile at you after they score the winning point and they write essays about how they wanna be just like mom when they grow up. Kids tell you your zucchini casserole is the best and they laugh at your dumb jokes. And when you hear your children pray..... well, forgettaboutit.
Yeah, they DO need you more as they get older and I will certainly BE there more until they just can't stand me.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
This is Oscar.....
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
BaileyRose's Bloomin' Bash! (AKA: How'd my baby turn Eleven?!)
They all crashed to watch "Madea's Family Reunion"...... Tyler Perry is a big fav with BaileyRose.....
She ate cake.... ready as we were, I forgot to get candles! So we had to use tea lights (see them on the top tier on the side?).
We had lots of activities..... painting flower pots......
Tying hair tinsel into their hair......... (this is super cool fun if you haven't done hair tinsel yet! We ordered ours on line and have PLENTY to last us a long while!)
We made bracelets.....
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Don't Lie.....
Yesterday, my darling, charming, sweet, gentle, white haired, blue eyed, Apple of my Eye Boy.... LIED to me. Now,if you know me- even the LEAST little bit- you know that if you lie to me, it will never end well. NEVER. Wreck my car, rob a bank, misplace my dog..... BUT DO NOT lie to me. When I was little, my momma used to say, "Emily, you don't have to tell the truth about Everything!" But, I did and I have and I will til I die. It's who I am. And I am also a terrible liar so I rarely practice in areas in which I don't excel.
Here's the deal- it wasn't even something that merited lying. He messed with the top to a spray bottle and the contents emptied out onto the kitchen floor. When I asked both children, both replied "Not Me!". BaileyRose held fast to her story. After I repeated the question a few more times, Isaac began to waver. Oooooo honey! Don't even!
Now, here is a tip if you Live in my Life..... If you suspect that I am angry and I stop yelling- Leave. Run. Get far away from me and anything breakable. So, when I started speaking very low and controlled, Isaac got a tad freaked out. And rightly so. The "Yes Ma'ams" and "No Ma'ams" started flowing freely.
Tears ensued, along with restriction from the tv and a very clean bathroom (compliments of Isaac) and things were back to whatever is Normal around here.
Then I got to amazing Husband has been traveling for the last three weeks. Mike and Ike are VERY tight. When Mike comes home from work, I pretty much become invisible. And that totally works except for when Mike isn't here. You know that feeling when you are leaving for a trip and you feel like you forgot to pack something or you wonder if you left the stove on? That is what it feels like When Mike is Gone.
When Mike is gone, it always feels like something is outta whack. It feels like something is missing. When Mike is gone the house just feels off balance. When Mike is gone.... lies get told...... about lids and spray bottles.
So, while it doesn't excuse it, it DOES explain it. So, even though he doesn't get TV back right away at least I know he probably won't become an axe murderer. When Dad comes back home and our family is together again, maybe.... just maybe my spray bottles will be safe once again.
Monday, August 29, 2011
It's been a while....
The "trigger" that snapped me back into blogging was this nice person:
This year BaileyRose entered middle school. In Cabot, 5th/6th grade is considered Middle School. She was super excited and Momma was super nervous. Ask anyone.... the weekend before school started I was NOT a pleasant person to be around. The first day of school Michael had to travel so it was just BaileyRose, Isaac and me. I asked Rose if she wanted me to walk her in and her "a little too quick response" was an enthusiastic "YES"! So, we braved the traffic, found a parking spot and piled out of the car. We made our way through the (really big!) halls and came to the double doors for the courtyard. This is something of a common area where ALL the kids in the ENTIRE school gather before the bell rings. There are a LOT of kids.... and BaileyRose didn't know ANY of them! She turned around and looked at me and gave me a sheepish wave and..... went out onto the courtyard. GAH! Can you say BRAVE? As she was about half way out onto the yard, two girls from our church came running up to her.... "BaileyRose! BaileyRose!" She turned around one last time and gave me a thumbs up. And I left her there.... for a whole day.
Flash forward to week 2 of Middle school. BaileyRose came home on Monday and said there was a girl in the lunch room that no one talked to/sat with. "I wanna take some extra cookies tomorrow and sit with her and try to get her to talk to me....ok?" And she did... and the girl talked. BaileyRose asked her if she had a church. She didn't. BaileyRose invited her to youth group. She told her the location, the time and dates. She mentioned that "We have free pizza and talk about Jesus." A couple of days passed and BaileyRose told me the girl's name was Ivy and that she liked Hello Kitty. "Don't you have a Hello Kitty hair clippe that you made Momma? Can I take it to her?"
Today, I went to eat with BaileyRose...... it was her birthday and I wanted to surprise her with a special lunch. After we found each other in the mass of kids, BaileyRose asked me if I wanted to meet Ivy. "Sure...." We started walking toward a table where two girls were seated. They were both dressed, head to toe, in black. Black hair (dyed), black nails, black pants and shirt.... all black. Ivy was quite a bit larger in size and height than BaileyRose. We sat down and they looked at me like my hair was on fire. I smiled and introduced myself. BaileyRose chirped to them about classes, the lunch and her birthday. She talked to them like they were both characters in a Disney Movie. Bailey's little sidekick, Shelby, sat right beside her chirping in unison. Both Girls-In-Black spoke very little. They were polite when they did speak. Pretty soon, Rose spotted a girl sitting by herself at a corner table. "Oh, poor LaRae..... " Pretty soon, LaRae was sitting with us too. LaRae is scared of EVERYTHING... other kids, boys, speaking outloud, her shadow. She sat down, shoved her lunch box in her lap and looked at the floor until she left for the courtyard.
Lunch was over by this time and so BaileyRose and Shelby walked me to the door. We hugged goodbye and I left. And as I drove away I thought "Wow! This is her life everyday!" What a friend, what a ministry, what a JOB!
I am pretty much blown away by who my daughter is becoming. I certainly didn't do this. All this stuff that is coming out of Rose was in the Original Recipe. What a cool chick...... and she is only eleven. Heaven help us!